Today’s Saria Price in Pakistan: Price Analysis & Market Trends

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Saria, an indispensable component of reinforced concrete, plays a pivotal role in Pakistan’s burgeoning construction industry. As of March 7, 2024, the saria rate in Pakistan has demonstrated relative stability, with minor variations in the prices of steel grades 40 and 60.

Lets talk about the current saria prices in Pakistan, explores the dynamics of the market, and analyzes the potential implications for construction endeavors. By grasping the factors influencing saria prices, builders and investors can make well-informed decisions to optimize their construction ventures.

Saria price in Pakistan

Today’s Saria Price in Pakistan

Grade Price per kg
40-grade steel 298
60-grade steel 300

As of March 10, 2024, the saria steel rate in Pakistan stands at Rs. 298 per kg for grade 40 steel and Rs. 300 per kg for grade 60 steel. These prices have exhibited a fair degree of consistency throughout the previous month.

Size in Sutar/mm 40 Grade Rate in KG 40 Grade Rate in Metric Ton 60 Grade Rate in KG
3 sutar / 10mm RS. 298 RS. 298,000 RS. 300
4 sutar / 12mm RS. 297 RS. 297,000 RS. 299
5 sutar / 16mm RS. 297 RS. 297,000 RS. 299
6 sutar / 20mm RS. 297 RS. 297,000 RS. 299
7 sutar / 22mm RS. 299 RS. 299,000 RS. 300
8 sutar / 25mm RS. 299 RS. 255,000 RS. 300

Top Steel Mills in Pakistan

Pakistan’s steel sector boasts several prominent mills that significantly shape the nation’s economic landscape. Pakistan Steel Mills remains a landmark industrial giant, while the following steel mills are acknowledged for their superior quality and commitment to innovation:

  • Mughal Steel Mills
  • Safa Steel Mills
  • Agha Steel Mills
  • Ittefaq Steel Mills
  • Ittehad Steel Mills
  • A.F. Steel Mills
  • Chenab Steel Mills
  • Maqsood Steel Mills
  • Amaan Steel Mills
  • Pakistan Steel Mills
  • Aisha Steel Mills
  • Amreli Steel Mills
  • F.F. Steel Mills

Please note that these are estimated prices, and actual costs may differ based on location and supplier. Saria prices are subject to fluctuations influenced by various factors, such as the global steel market, domestic steel demand, and overall steel availability.

Factors Shaping the Saria Rate in Pakistan

  • Global Steel Prices: Recent months have witnessed an upward trend in global steel prices. As Pakistan relies on steel imports, this international shift can impact the domestic saria rate.
  • Domestic Steel Demand: Pakistan’s saria rate is heavily influenced by the nation’s steel requirements. The thriving construction sector and infrastructure projects foster a steady demand for saria.
  • Steel Availability: The supply of steel directly affects saria prices. Any shortages in steel production or distribution can lead to scarcity and drive prices upward.
  • Government Policies: Government regulations and policies related to the steel industry can influence the overall cost of steel, subsequently impacting saria rates in Pakistan.
  • Natural Disasters and Supply Chain Disruptions: Unforeseen events like natural disasters can disrupt steel production and supply chains, potentially leading to fluctuations in the saria market.

Saria Rate Factors 

While Pakistan’s current saria rate exhibits stability, here are vital aspects to monitor for future projections:

  • Economic Conditions and Market Trends: The overall health of Pakistan’s economy and the construction sector’s performance play a significant role in saria price stability.
  • Global Steel Market: Staying informed about global steel price trends can offer insights into potential domestic price shifts.
  • Government Policies: Changes in government regulations concerning the steel industry can influence import costs and steel availability, impacting saria rates.


Pakistan’s saria rate presents a relatively stable environment, offering builders and investors a favorable window for their construction projects. However, it is crucial to remain vigilant of market dynamics, domestic steel demand, and government policies, as these factors hold the potential to influence future saria prices.

FAQs: Saria in Pakistan

Q: What is the current saria rate in Pakistan?

A: Saria rates can fluctuate based on factors like steel grade, location, and supplier. It’s best to check with local steel suppliers or reliable online resources like Katmoviehd for the most up-to-date pricing information.

Q: What factors influence saria prices in Pakistan?

A: Several factors can impact saria prices, including:

  • Global steel prices
  • Pakistan’s domestic steel demand
  • Steel availability (can be affected by production or supply chain issues)
  • Government policies related to the steel industry
  • Natural disasters or unforeseen events

Q: Which steel mills are the most reputable in Pakistan?

A: Pakistan boasts several well-respected steel mills, including:

  • Pakistan Steel Mills
  • Mughal Steel Mills
  • Agha Steel Mills
  • Amreli Steels
  • Ittefaq Steel Mills

Q: How can I ensure I’m getting the best price for saria?

A: Here are some tips:

* Get quotes from multiple suppliers: Don’t settle for the first price you find. Compare prices from different reputable steel suppliers.

* Consider bulk purchases: If your project requires a large quantity of saria, you might be able to negotiate a better price by purchasing in bulk.

* Monitor market trends: Stay informed about the overall saria market trends to identify favorable buying periods.

Q: Where can I find reliable information on current saria rates and market trends?

A: Consider the following resources:

* Websites of reputable steel mills in Pakistan

* Industry publications and news sources specializing in the construction sector

* Online platforms dedicated to providing saria price updates (like Katmoviehd)

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