Information about the Pakistan railway Timing and ticket price from Pakistan Railway Station Lahore to Peshawar Railway Station. Many trains are moving from Lahore to Peshawar from different routes with Different fares of every class but the Jaffer Express and Khyber Mail trains are running between these two cities (Lahore & Peshawar) Daily With same fares. Travel from Lahore to Peshawar get easier with 3 trains which are following:
Name of The Trains Lahore To Peshawar
Train Name | Departure time | Fares Economy |
Fares AC Lower |
Fares AC Sleeper |
Fares AC Business |
Destinations Arrival Time |
Awam Express | 6:22 AM | Rs: 1050/- | Rs: 1900/- | Not Available | Not Available | 4:35 PM |
Khyber Mail | 7:13 PM | Rs: 1050/- | Rs: 1900/- | Rs: 3850/- | Rs: 2550/- | 5:15 AM |
Jaffar Express | 8:02 AM | Rs: 1400/- | Rs: 1950/- | Rs:4200/- | Rs: 2700/- | 6:05 PM |
Note: These timetables are along latest timing with time duration we’ll update it with further details.
Tickets for these trains can be booked by dialing: 117 or