Now traveling from Faisalabad to Lahore become easier and well-founded from Karachi to Lahore with different trains but don’t have the same fares and traveling class. Pakistan Government started new trains to make travel easier. Below is the latest chart of Trains names and fares with different traveling class, with fares and time of arriving traveling at the destination.
List Of Fares And Train Timing For Faisalabad To Lahore
Train Name | Departure Time | Fares (Economy) | Fares (AC Lower) | Fares (AC Business) | Fares (AC Sleeper) | Destination Arrival Time |
ALLAMA IQBAL Express | 2:00 PM | Rs: 1300/- | Not Available | Not Available | Rs: 2500/- | 10:20 AM |
Shalimar Express | 06:00 PM | Rs: 1300/- | Rs: 2400/- | Not Available | Rs: 2500/- | 12:25 AM |
Karakoram Express | 3:30 PM | Rs: 1300/- | Not Available | Rs: 2500/- | Rs: 2500/- | 9:00 AM |
Tickets for these trains can be booked by dialing 117 or
This all information we collect very carefully, and these all are the latest update but the change in fare possible by the government so these all details are just for the information purpose for latest details kindly contact your nearest railway booking office.
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